Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

Tangerine fungus dream

Nectria cinnabarina : Coral Spot.

As this fungus was found on a live twig, I suspect
'tangerine nightmare' might be a more appropriate title?

I had intended to go further afield but a small (and essential) foray to the local shops made my legs feel like two bits of wet string.

So I came home :-)

Spent a happy hour looking at lenses I have no intention of purchasing,
on t'internet... Sigh.

Made a wish list :-)

And went in the garden to blip. Donned the shoes nearest the back door.
Not mine but they did, however, create a passable impression of Fizbo the Clown*.
I'm not thrilled with the image in any way. (The fungus, not Fizbo!)
Some you win....

*A passing reference to Modern Family, which I'm loving at the moment!

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