Sweet Child of Mine

By skip176


Elizabeth and I made pizzas today. I gave her some dough to knead/roll into shape. She liked sticking her fingers in, but couldn't quite get the hang of what to do (must get the play dough out!).

Then I gave her the (home made) tomato paste to spread onto the dough. She just kept putting more and more on. I had to scrape it off before letting her put the cheese on top.

When they were ready and cooled down, we tried them. She said they were very "juicy". Hmm. She also didn't eat very much of them. But she never eats that well at lunchtime. And she was pretty tired. But I'm using the rest of the dough for our tea tomorrow night, so maybe she'll have a little more.

Rebecca was so easy today. I actually think she sleeps better when Elizabeth is around. Maybe because watching Elizabeth exhausts her, it does me! Anyway, she had a lovely pattern (I won't use the "R" word, there is no such monster in this house), awake for an hour and a half to two hours, then asleep for an hour. At 2.30pm she slept for 2 hours. Then she went to bed just before 6pm.

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