A confused genius

By Lez11


Woke up at 5.35am today so i could catch my 3 trains to get me to blackburn for 8.45am so i could have a site induction and carry out a site inspection in one of my projects.

After a 1 hour site induction i then had a 1 hour safety brief and my feet were killing by the time the brief was over. Finally we started surveying the station and I found a door which i opened and it i was like a scene in narnia where the trees were growing through the walls, (pic), I could have been playing jumanji for all I knew.

Went to the wolves match and yet more disapointment. I couldn't believe that walking to the ground that there was no police what so ever. There was a big stand off between the 2 sets of fans so we went into the ground quickly before anything kick off. I can't believe that there is still trouble at football but it has got better over the years.

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