It's just a phase

By HelenMcCann

So long

After 12 glorious years singing with the most fabulous choir I have decided to give my vocal chords (and the unassuming general public's ears) a break. I have been with the choir from its very inception, where the advert called for bathroom singers of Preston to step out of the shower and into the limelight, not forgetting to dress first - it's not that kind of choir.

Along the way we have performed for the queen twice, toured Europe, made 3 CDs, recorded at Abbey Road studios (yes, the Abbey Road and I have the zebra crossing photo to prove it), appeared a number of times on television and radio and sung in some of the most wonderful concert venues across England (and quite a few dodgy ones!!). We have also brought joy to many many people from all walks of life. I've never heard a bad word said about us by anyone.

The choir has been an extended family to me for 12 years. We've had good times, great times, fun times, surprising times and (thankfully, few and far between) sad times.

I had intended to be in the choir for many years to come but unfortunately the pressure of having 3 small children has forced my hand. They will not be this small forever and I have to do what feels right for them for now. Maybe in a few years I'll join the waiting list to get back into the choir if they'll have me. Who knows what great things they will achieve while I'm away but one thing I do know is that I'm going to miss my Wednesday night sing and all my One Voice brothers, sisters, mums, dads, grans and grandpas immensely.

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