Barbara Hitchings

By Spannygranny

getting nowhere fast

Today was a mile stone for me. I usually play golf on a Monday, but several weeks ago I decided to go to spinning class instead. For the uninitiated this is sitting on a bike, feet strapped onto the pedals and you pedal furiously for an hour to very fast, loud music (supposed to be good for you).

The first session I could only manage 1/2 an hour and I had to give up. Well today I did the complete hour, non stop. Felt really good after the session. My next challenge is the 4 hour charity spinathon, its when you are here Sarah, should I sign you up!!

Weather today is in the mid 30's.

For those of you that don't know I live in Spain, near Alicante, hence the lovely weather and frequent visitors. I look forward to seeing them all.

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