Junk Of The Heart

By Emm

buzy bees

my ffriend zanthe keeps bees.. well her family does. and today was the yearly harvest of all the honey the bees make.. it is quite a long process and it took ALLL day but it was heaps of sticky fun the floor whas covered in honey at the end! i love the honey they make it is ammmazzzzing!! this picture is us taking the capping off the honey comb which you have to do before you spinn all the honey out.. usually you do it with a knife but we were doing bits of it with our fingers. it was a very hot day to spend locked up inside. you cant leave the windows or doors open cus otherwise bees come in which is not good (apparantly probs cus you are stealing there honey) now im sitting at home packing to go on the big paddle river trip that i am going on not entirerly sure if i will be able to take pics might just have to put some up that other people have taken to capture what we were up to because mumj will not let me take camera on the river. damn! oh well never mind ill post 2mmrws one but the next week might be delayed or not hapen :(((

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