A Year in Phnom Penh

By nellbj

Evening Light

Driving home in the evening light provided a number of 'Cambodia' moments. New buildings on every street climb higher in to the sky, their tops lit by the gentle dusk sunlight; men at the roadside Cambodian style (I think there is a law that if you are a man at the side of the road after 5p.m. you must be topless); motos carrying people home from work; children playing in the street; market stalls closing for the night.

All these things have become part of my daily life here. Nonetheless, I still look around me almost on a daily basis and am struck by how odd it is that things can become both so familiar and normal yet retain their complete other worldliness all at the same time. It is hard to explain, except to say that it is normal yet strange all at once.

And then my final part of the daily journey...walking in to our flat, which in the evenings is flooded with a golden light as the sun sets over the rooftops outside. The shadows of the bunting we've hung in the window cast a shadow on the wall opposite like teeth, framing Berry's Tiger painting.

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