Housewife's Choice

By christilou

Dog Napping

Today I did Bokwa (best googled!) and had a jolly good work out. Daughter number 3 took Boden out today to meet another Jack Russell and they went for a lovely walk in the fields taking in the sights and smells. A lot of rough and tumble ensued between the the two dogs and Boden was much pleased (I think!). He didn't seem to mind being trodden on, being play bitten and chased and although it doesn't look like friendly play, I'm assured that it is and is just what he craves :) My daughter videoed it on her iPhone. Anyway, he's tired out and lying on the doormat again awaiting her return as she's gone off out again . I'm now under serious pressure to go to the supermarket :( Whilst I could live quite happily on toast and cereal, others are getting stroppy!

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