Bright Light, Dark Room

By ellies

A glass darkly...

Please excuse this rather lame blip - it's really just an excuse to back blip a bit.

I had a much better weekend than the previous one. On Friday night I met up with a couple of my former colleagues, and also with my long lost buddy who has been off in New Zealand for two and a half months.

Saturday I caught up with some friends for coffee and cake at the Baltic. I had rather tasty sticky toffee pudding with minty chocolatey topping - mmm - and Cori had beetroot cake which was intriguing and rather interesting. And at night I went to the Vamos dance party at the Sage. It was ok, but just sitting in the Slug and Lettuce beforehand was more fun! At least it gave me chance to see the Bambuco Bridge lit up.

Sunday I saw Long Lost Buddy again for a long lazy Sunday lunch in the Lonsdale, and later on took a very long walk around a big chunk of Newcastle with another old friend. We only got rained on twice, and ended up in the Coffee Rooms for chips, so it was all good.

So definitely an improvement on last weekend when I was just a bit lonely, really! Today at work, however, was a bit crap.

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