What remains of the wall

Another visit to Dorchester today, hopefully the last for a while as I seem to be driving up and down rather a lot!

A grey day and not too cold but hardly any light so no inspiration!
This is today's offering: all that remains of Dorchester's Roman town walls given to the Mayor and Corporation by Lucia Catharine Stone in 1886 "in order that it be preserved among the antiquities of her native town.". The facing has gone but one is just able to see the workmanship of how the stones were originally placed.

Most of the three town walls had disappeared by the 17C with only earth mounds surviving. During the Civil War a few patches were cleaned up, if the stones had not already been robbed to be used in new buildings, but these have now gone.

The few fat cattle we sent to Frome Market sold well yesterday, the top price reaching £1200. This is the start of selling this bunch of livestock as they are only just reaching the right size and weight etc. They must do well because there wont be any more cash flow until next harvest except for a small amount of corn that has yet to be paid for. We have another TB test in March so it would be good to move them on before then.

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