The Wren

By TheWren

Out on a limb

This morning dawned nice and sunny, albeit very cold at only 2'. However true to the forecast, it dulled over by mid-day and by the time I was able to go for a walk it had turned sleety and rather unpleasant. So, again I decided that the safest option for walking was beside the river.

The other day I mentioned that since the river had fallen by about two to three feet there was evidence everywhere of the flotsam which had been carried with the water when at its height and some of this had caught in low lying branches. The blip today shows an example of one such deposit where lots of sticks and small branches have melded and been trapped and left high and dry when the water level fell. I feel that this one could be mistaken for an untidy nest belonging to a large bird.

Once home I dried the dogs before settling down with a cuppa and blip. Drying the two is always amusing and follows the same pattern every time. Despite being the smaller, Bruce adopts the mantle of Top Dog and always insinuates himself between Cara and myself, which she accepts and lies down patiently waiting for her turn. Only once he feels he is dry does he allow me to give my attention to Cara, and even then he sits close by and adjudicates!

Thanks to everyone for viewing, commenting and awarding stars and hearts for the Big Sky yesterday. It actually reached the Spotlight for a very brief moment of glory!

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