Serendipity moments

By MissSerendipity

Lazy blip......

Sorry another lazy blip!!! I have slapped my own hand and promise to try harder next time!

At the weekend I intend no matter the weather to get out and about so watch this space and hopefully I'll make up for the poor attempts of the week thus far!!!

Another normal...ish day today only slight irritation apart from the vile person I spoke to on the phone (is there really any need) was the lack of courtesy from most of the drivers I encountered on my way too and from work. There are two types of drivers that frustrate me A) those who do not acknowledge you when you let them in and B) those who squeeze into the smallest space on non moving traffic just to make sure you don't get in front of them even if you have right of way i.e. a keep clear area! People are so impatient sometimes it's does you good to slow down and show a little courtesy I just wish others could see it!

The truth of Morrissey!

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