Pugs, horse, baby and me!

By Puggirl


Hi everyone

So so sorry I have been so rubbish recently, I am now back to full speed so will catch up with you all :)

This is my little lion aka Buttons! I thought it was funny as she is not exactly scary (but Rolo will tell you a differnt story)

Today has been really busy, bootcamp and stables all before 8am... I have the biggest bruise on my knee from bootcamp as we have to do press ups and I have to do them on my knees (yes I am a big girl and need to man up!) and where I jump so hard down on my knees from a burpie it has bruised it big time!!!

Also feeling much better about the weight issue thanks everyone, and also thanks so much for all your fab ideas for sweet potato!!! Loving your work :)

I have just got back from a meeting with Sister Anita (Anita is a church of england nun who married Gary and I) and before I met her I had no idea that COE had nuns?! Some friends I went to school with are having their children christened and she wanted me to come along. You would'nt know she was a nun as she doesnt wear all the sister act gear ;) She told me that she went to uni to become a teacher and said if she did'nt find love she would become a nun... Well she did'nt and has been a nun her whole life! I would like to blip her one day.

Looking forward to looking at all your wonderful diarys :))

Lots of love

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