Caveat emptor......"Let the buyer beware.&quo
Evening all
Car had to go into the car hospital as its tyres didn't feel to good and the exhaust was hoarse.....!!! The diagnosis wasn't too bad back box for the exhaust and two new tyres fitted.....I'm now recovering at home from the effects of the bill....a terrible ailment that should be wiped out!!! ;0)
Dick Turpin at least had a mask on when he took your money lol!!! ;0)
Quietish day otherwise......I say quietish as Mini G came to visit and like tornado's before her.....she made her presence felt lol.....;0)
Elder G is now learning the hard way why Mums' NEED eyes in the back of there heads !!! served cold they say.....or wait...till your daughter has her first child and starts having to run after her daughter and think.....hahahahaha....oh yes.......I remember those days.......!!!!! ;0)
This is Society.....or what its known as now. A newly renovated Pub. Has been an Indian Retaurant and a Masonic Lodge in its time. It started life as a school thanks to Robert Philp, a linen manufacturer who wanted to help the children of the poor. The Philp Hall is just along the road and once a year, every new intake went there to be issued shoes and a clean set of clothes before heading to this school.
More importantly, It used to be called Oscars and when I was a Public House manager, this was where I managed.......a cocktail bar and entertainments bar holding 650 people every night of the weekend. Mamma G was the assistant manager and we made a great team.....I hated the paperwork, boooooooooooring.......she loved it, I loved the entertainment side and organising it, she didn't......sorted !!! Distant memories........;0)
Have a great evening ;0)
TTFN ;0)
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