Bird or pie
I feel like most of my shots for the foreseeable future will probably be birds or pies. Tonight's choice was between this and... a steak and ale pie (delicious, particularly when I saw the greedy eyes gazing at the half pie left in the dish and suggested that we eat the pastry, and I just put more on top of the remaining filling tomorrow and recook it - our very own version of a double crust pie).
Today should have been a day of shopping, tidying and gardening. It ended up being a hugely frustrating day of filings to Companies House and the tax folk. For once, we had all the bits of information (login details, passwords, UTRs, sums) that we needed. But Mr B did just have to reconvince himself that we were dealing with some business thingummies the right way. Every single year we have the same discussion where he elicits my opinion on the correct treatment for WIP, and every year I firmly express the view that I have no idea what the heck he's talking about and would he just tell me what figure to put in before the screen times out... This combined with a printer that not only is in a sulk about communicating with the rest of the world, but also is out of ink; and bit of will he/won't he be leaving on Sunday for Mr B and his contract in the UK has made for a not entirely unstressful day.
All seems sorted now. And the nice cartridge refilling man in town has sorted out at least one of our printer issues. And we finally found a shop selling hot water bottles for less than 30 Euro each (so our weekend guests may not freeze). And the birds have finally found the bird table. A blue tit and a great tit today, and the wren gave it a few long hard stares. The squirrel was looking curious, but stayed in the trees.
This shot taken with special dirty window filter...
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