The Memory Keeper

By athousandwords

Eggcellently Preserved!

Look what I found in the back of the fridge today! Was making celebratory creme brulees and required eggs. Found this chilly bugger in the back of the box, frozen solid! Unfortunately I was so busy marveling at the wondrous nature of a frozen egg that I forgot what I was doing and ended up mixing my whites with my yolks. Unsure whether or not to try salvage the yolks from the mix, I decided to start again. Hence my prediction that tomorrow will be a brilliant day for scrambled eggs and omelettes... Well, we can't have waste now can we?!

"Celebratory creme brulees," I hear you ask? (Or not, it aint all that interesting really...)

Let me explain...

Today was D-Day for my final piece of coursework... The dreaded group presentation. As with all talks/ presentations, the worst part is the wait. Our group worked really well together in the end, so proud of them! The task was to design an OT-relevant resource for one of the client groups we'd covered this semester. After weeks - or possibly months - of deliberation, we came up with the idea for a purse designed for people with learning disabilities, specifically dyscalculia. I don't know what we did right, but our lecturers loved it. Luckily everybody passed the assignment and so we were given the good news at the end of the session, rather than having to wait months like we did last year. I later received 4 texts (one from each member of the group) telling me that we'd been awarded an A! Feeling pretty peachy now, hence the creme brulee fest (it's my favourite desert)!

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