Screen Door

Decided this morning to put up the screen door. My wife has had this kit kicking around the house for years, and no one has ever got round to putting it up. Complicated bit of kit that I've never dared going near.

Anyway, decided that it needed to be installed, a) because the weather is nice and it's lovely to have the doors open (something we can't do because we have house cats), b) it's kicking around the house and getting in the way.

So much to the disgust of my wife I decided to spend the day installing it. Easier said than done.

1. New piece for the foot ledge. Trip 1 to Lowes.

2. Install some surrounds to the door mouldings. Mouldings aren't big enough to install the two screens (one for each side), so bought some more wood. Trip 2 to Lowes.

3. Paint the new bits of wood and then fit.

4. Put the screens up, and decide that nothing fits.

5. Have a row with the wife over progress (or lack of).

6. Clear the whole room of dining table etc, put the screen kit on the floor, install a different mounting kit, put it all together and then mount to the new surrounds fitted earlier.

Now, if 1-5 sound like a long time, they were - 6 hours. If #6 sounds like the whole job easily, it was, and took 1 hour.

So anyway, by 7pm all was forgiven as we have some really nice screen doors fitted and working.

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