'Cause she made me do it.

By ArtIsKurtis


i give up on trying to understand them.

my lovely lady is THE most confusing woman on the planet. she hates being photographed 'cause she is the photographer but tomorrow she is posing for a shoot and of all things that shoot is a boudoir shoot. dont get me wrong im pretty pleased. kats always had confience issues and im so happy shes finally at a point she can accept her own body flaws and all. but for the woman who cracks it if i point a camera at her it just seems odd shes quite happy to pose for a shoot scantily clad for someone she doesnt even know.
kats also a massive tomboy. in the ten years we have known each other she has worn a dress or skirt volutarily MAYBE 20 times. she hates women who shell out a fortune to get their hair and nails done and wear nothing but boutique clothing.
so today she got her nails done.
"well i dont want my nail bitten and guitar abused hands looking gross in the shoot"...

she is going to be in next to no clothing and she is worried about her hands?

can someone please explain this or tell me im not mad in thinking that logic is a little mad?

(but the nails do look very nice and i do like to see my tomboy girl it up on occasion)

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