
By angelicbrianne

Don't forget.

You get so caught up in life that you forget how fortunate you really are. People say I'm strong, but you aren't really strong until become selfless, thankful, and realize you aren't the only person having a problem and somewhere else in the world there is someone wishing they could have a problem as simple as the one you have.

Of course we all go through our little challenges in life but you must know you're going to get through it. You must start every day knowing that you have the opportunity to make it the day you want it to be. If you have a rough day... You have the opportunity to have a better night and leave it behind you.

I'm lucky... I have love, a job, and family... I have a wonderful man to hold me at night and people to remind me how loved I am each and everyday.

I look out to the path in front of me and I see people dancing and painting and making beautiful tunes and even putting their creativity out on the table, hoping others would find love in it, almost as much love as they put into it. No steady paycheck. No person telling them I love you. And no roof that's strong enough to with hold a strong wind.

Why am I explaining this? Well I don't live in this world... I live in my own world. It's selfish to not remember that there are people out there that are less fortunate than I am and that's where I need to increase my strength.

Everyday there are so many things to be thankful for and just to be happy to have the life that you were given and be proud of what you're doing with it... If by some chance you aren't proud of it, do something to make yourself proud.

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