Now that was a very good read for something quick and gripping. And it is the author's first book. I shall look out for the next.

Friday, and it is mizzly and grey in North Yorkshire. But, good things, the shopping has all been done; the fridge when I get home will be stuffed with fish and meat, fruit and veg. G has two calorie-inflated puddings to see him through the weekend, while I have indulged in some low-fat affairs, having lost a portion of that which I gained over Christmas, and so therefore don't want to fall off the right track.

The weather forecast doesn't sound up to much, but I have a new book to look forward to, my crossword puzzle/jigsaw puzzle to finish, and another in the wings, and many other pastimes to occupy my weekend. No doubt there will also be things like ironing but I'm not going to think about that now.

So bring on the rain .... I don't care!

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