for the 30 day challenge, not sure i like it. You decide!!
So this afternoon i have found very challenging I know what is a challenge if it's not a challenge i have spent hours trying to do bloody bokeh, when i go all out to do it can i do it nooooooo when i don't know what it is can i do it yes. I tried to recreate the lovely Quirky girl bokeh but i couldn't i failed. I was sat in a darkened room candles lit in the shape of a heart, trying to make a bokeh heart, Glenn sat in the other room being an adult and taking business calls. He comes through looks at me like I'm mad, well at the point i can safely say i thought i was going mad so he had every right to think that. Then i took my lights and wrapped them round some flowers, shite rubbish, then i got a toy put lights behind it was ok blipped, I then sat in the garden freezing cold, being rained on taking shots of grass. And then deleted the blip did another and then at the end of it all went back to the original because two 8 year olds preferred skylander,now i am tired and feel bogged down with bokeh. Did you keep up cause i only just managed!! SO i will shut up about bloody bokeh now.
Yesterday my lovely friend pixiemo did her first blip, pop in a say hi she's lovely and has wrote a lovely first journal.
Right i think finally i am happy with this. Tomorrow is a faceless sp challenge and you all know how i love a good sp so will be back in my comfort zone. No more orange no more Bokeh!!!
And guess what it's the weekend!! Have a good one!!
:) X
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