Emz sketchbook

By Emz

3o day challenge Day 2 - What I wore today

Day 2 of the challenge I initially thought of taking my shoes but I saw another day has this title already so I thought it was best to think of something else - it wouldn't of been cool having the same blip twice!

Really didn't want to just take a picture of my clothes so only other thing I was wearing was jewellery.
I'm pretty sure I wear jewellery every single day of my life. I love it, it's such a part of me and I really would feel naked without it :P Today I had in my black and white checkered earrings (was very strange thing to take a picture of my ear - have never done that before! lol) and also my favourite necklace at the moment - my tea cup and spoon.

So thats what I wore today...

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