life with the Rissi's

By MrsRissi

Standing Tall and Proud

Another Harry pic!! Sorry!!

Today, Harry, finally seems to be understanding the logistics of getting is feet and today,as you can see has been standing unaided confidently for the 1st time, he was ever so proud of himself, he kept standing, clapping his hands, very very very cute!
Excuse the mess, this was just after dinner and my kitchen always resembles the aftermath of an atomic bomb after the 3 monkeys have had their tea!
Back has been a mixture of good and bad today, it feels pretty good just now but this morning, it was very sore again and I had to request more high strength pain killers from the doctors :-(
Harry was pretty grumpy this morning, was a tough morning, I think he was feeling rubbish after his injections yesterday, gave him some calpol though and a good old nap and thankfully, he was much better thus afternoon!
Amber has been a wee doll again, my lovely neighbour - yes you Di! - brought her home from school and they went to the sweet shop on the way home, as you can imagine, this made her very happy and she was munching a yummy mint Aero when she came home.
Cod for tea for us tonight, in the oven now, weight watchers recipe and it looks yummy! Im off to fill my shrinking tum


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