
By BowenFoto

Animals allowed?

I took a snap decision yesterday to take the day off work today to try to catch up on some studying (it should be revision but I am still trying to finish the evidence book - it's quite hard going). As I blipped back in August it's always good to take some time to smell the flowers.

So I had a bit of a lazy day - I took the kids to school and had a look around their classrooms. Fleur's school amazed me. It's full of cool kids at their lockers like in a movie and Fleur was native to this environment. It's so impressive how adaptable children are. I finally made it the library after lunch, collected Fleur and then we both headed back to the library. I was reading evidence and she was reading a fairy book.

At point I looked up and realized Fleur was still wearing her giraffe hat and thought it would make an amusing blip.

Back to the books.

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