
This morning Kerr and I went to East Kilbride to meet his wee friend H and her mummy for a coffee at M&S. We then did a food shop and headed home. By this point it was miserable - sleet and trying to snow and bitterly cold.

Due to the poor weather, we stayed indoors this afternoon. We did a very long overdue defrost of the freezer. I'm ashamed to admit it is 2 years since it was last done! I remember doing it during the Christmas holidays when Kerr was only around 3 months old. Needless to say, it took a while to thaw all the ice.

Kerr absolutely loved the drama - the ice cubes, the scraping of the ice in the freezer and the copious amounts of water all over the kitchen floor!

We decided to blip it to remind me next year to get it done again. Kerr got his camera and took a photo of it too.

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