Double Trouble

By HannahSpanner

Day 21st faceless self portrait

This was a risky photo to take! Luckily manage to keepall my vital bits covered up.

If Mr L hadn't been palying on his PS3 I would have asked for his help!

Bath in the middle of the afternoon how decadent! didn't get chance to have one this morning as my parents were coming down for a visit. I love ready in the bath, the kindle isn't allowed in though just in case I drop it in (a few books have gone in!)

Wedding pictures are now up on the wall no drill needed in the end (so could have done it myself).

So after a bit of a tidy up and a bit of TV watching, Watched the New Girl with Zooey Deschanel I love it Mr L not sooo much. He informed me I watch far to much rubbish (true) and why did I like this anyway?

My response I like Jess (Zooey's character) I want to be a crazy as she is and shes got good hair, his retort you are already that crazy and your hair is alright as it is (who says romance is dead).

Am now watching my most favourite film as by chance it is on More 4

Breakfast at Tiffany's I love Audrey Hepburn (wish I could be that lovely) I walked down the aisle to Moon river.

Am going to try to convince Mr L to have take away tonight really can't be bothered to cook!

Tomorrow - Hands

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