Writing on the Wall
Afternoon all
13hours down, 26 to go !! 1/3 of the way through, part 2 tonight......doesn't matter how you look at it.....it all reads the same.....one shift down 2 to go !! ;0)
That word has been mentioned...the one that strike's fear into every mans heart....where time is not your own......you have been tasked......yes....its that time again.......decorating !!!
Great thinking about it, lovely planning it all, buy it all in so its there and its ready to Rock'n'Roll....then it goes pear shaped....the little crack you were going to fix whilst endeavouring to complete, opens right up and the plaster falls off the wall....didn't plan that. The little mark on the wall you wanted to paint over and cover keeps coming through even after 18 coats of paint....didn't plan that. And the old favourite...yeah I'll sort that, only be a 5 min job................. hahahahahahahahaha....you reckon ......crash, bang, wallop....didn't plan that either !!!
We're only at the planning stage.........wonder if I can be as good as every other tradesman sems to be.....its a god given knack as I've never seen it in any training or college programme.....you start it....every where tells you 'allow XX number of weeks'.....the tradesman tells you 'XX tops no longer'......6 months after those dates your still there ......waiting !!!
Hmmmm.........I wonder !!!
This is the one wall without doubt I am NOT allowed to touch. This is Youngest G's bedroom wall. When we last decorated her room, she wanted a wall to write on .....Banksy in the making I hoped ......so I blackboard painted this entire wall.....its never rubbed out EVER....it just keeps getting added too......personally......I think its very cool.......bearing in mind....... Dad has a loveheart round it !!! Sure fire winner !!!
This wall stays !!! ;0)
Have a great evening ;0)
TTFN ;0)
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