Don't you just love Edinburgh tourists?
You know on those weekend mornings when you've got up early to chum your better half into town because you've pretty much exhausted blip inspiration within easy walking distance of your house. The type where you've walked around for a not insignificant amount of time trying to find something to inspire a photo to absolutely no avail.
Well on those mornings you can pretty much rely on there being at least one tourist posing for photos near a major Edinburgh landmark. Today there were actually lads though. I was surprised how many groups of tourists there were doing walking tours considering it was a January morning. And not a particularly nice one at that.
On my travels I bumped into Dave he was in a rush to deliver a photography course at Stills though. LAter on I bumped into a student too. Other than that the most eventful I managed was a quick stop for coffee at Wellingtons.
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