Move over Bridget........

By SuzStuff

splish splash

If anyone was stopping by expecting photos of animals leaping around my garden........I'm afraid all I had was a picture of me taking last night's blip - and I couldn't even upload that as it was taken yesterday!! Undeterred tonight I have put some food out to lure in the wildlife - which probably means next door's cat will think it's his birthday! But if the food's gone at least I'll know if the camera works.

So - this leaves me with a problem of what to blip. I decided to google water droplet pictures advice and it led me to some you tube clips. Was rather stunned to find a video sandwiched between photographing bubbles and water called 'how to photograph your cervix'......I kid you not. I decided to stick to my original plan to photograph water splashing......not very well but if you drag it through photo software you get some interesting results.

Hoping that tomorrow I will have a stack of exciting photos from my trail camera but in the mean time this will have to do!

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