Busy day...
...today, at least for me, as it involved three distinct activities:
A visit to the Neurosupport Centre in town to discuss the logistics of a photoshoot I'm involved in next month; a bit scary as it includes lots of local dignitaries. The staff there are so helpful and friendly though that it shouldn't be too stressful, especially as I'm asking no payment for it.
An MRI scan at the Walton Centre, to get a picture of the state of the old grey matter before seeing the neurosurgeon next month. Walking into the place where I had brain surgery was quite traumatic, so I was glad I had good friend S with me for support. Luckily I'm not claustrophobic, although being crammed into a narrow space with the sounds of a pneumatic drill/industrial grinder/demolition ball being blasted at you is not my idea of a good time (my clubbing days being long gone), even without the ever-present headache. Couldn't take my camera in (boo, hiss) so all I got was this shot of the secure entrance door to the imaging suite (not standard NHS issue; I did spice it up a bit).
Finally, and more horrifically, a trip to Tesco with #1 daughter for groceries. I hate that house of Satan with a passion, and on Saturday afternoons it's at its very worst. I asked #1D to check my back as I was convinced it had a notice pinned to it saying "Please barge past me, move in front of me when I'm trying to reach a shelf, and knock my stick away with your trolly. Thank you." She said I was just being silly; well I think that's what she said - it was hard to hear over the screams of distressed infants and the screams from the PA system exhorting shoppers to buy, buy, BUY!
Now I have the house to myself as everyone's out having fun somewhere, and am blissfully doing very little indeed....
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