A MIMent In Time

By justmim

The wonder of weekends

There's just not enough hours in the day or days in the weekend!

The day began with a yummy, relaxed breakfast followed by a couple of productive hours of washing dishes, doing laundry and getting on with some placement work. Then it was off into town to meet the lovely Fiona for some food at M&S and on to the cinema to see Sherlock Holmes.

Comically, I must have been half asleep when booking the original tickets online and had managed to book us senior tickets instead of student. Thankfully I was able to get them rebooked and refunded, otherwise we may have had an interesting time trying to convince the staff that we're over 65!

Film was good, though I have to say that I think I preferred the first one. Although that may be more to do with my energy levels today!

Oh & after 5 days of Fife accents it was wonderful to sit through 2 hours of English accents :]

Anyway, my study earlier wasn't quite as productive as hoped so I have a wee bit of typing up to do, an e-mail to send and then it's off to the land of nod for me :]

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