
By doli

Red Wattle Birds

Anthochaera carunculata

So named for the red wattles on their cheeks.
They're a large honeyeater (about 35 cm), native to southern Australia (except Tasmania). They have specialised long tongues, with feathered tips for collecting nectar - you can just see it on the left-hand bird. They also eat insects, fruit - and bread...

This is an adult (left), who was feeding the juvenile (right). They hung about for a while, not especially wary of me (although I would have liked to have been allowed a bit closer), so I was able to get in a few good shots. This is not the sharpest, but it includes both birds. Others are here. In a couple of those, you can see the adult's red eye. The youngsters have brown eyes and smaller wattles.

Also today - a couple of blokes came along to replace the street light outside my house. It hasn't worked for many years. I asked if they wouldn't mind replacing it with one that also didn't work (because it's unnecessary and annoying). They said "That's the third time we've been asked that today." Naturally, they're 'not allowed' to do that, but said if I cared to ring up and complain, they could come back and spray paint the side of the cover to block the light in my direction. Thank you very much, I shall do so.
Later on, after dark - light not working... Yes! Thanks boys!

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