a day in the life of Jack

By jacksmom726

Going home?

We got slammed with quite a snow storm this weekend. Over a foot of snow here where I live, and bitter cold!

We stayed in all day, played games and enjoyed some fresh out of the oven brownies!!

I was going to take some shots of the snow outside, but it was coming down so strong that all you saw was white. But I did notice something black moving in the snow, and zoomed in to see what it was. A black & white cat, just like my Gammie, was in the back field, trying to walk in a foot of snow. It was coming towards our back garage, so Mark went out and planned on opening the garage door so it could have a place to get out of the cold. It got scared though, and jumped over the stone wall and walked down my sister in laws driveway. Hopefully it walked along the side of the road down the street to it's home.

We'll be outside tomorrow hopefully building a snowman....to windy and snowy today to do it!!

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