Another Beautiful Day

By drewzealand

Mile High Club Safe

Day one
We're off to Oz. Land of the yellow and green brick road. Sydney.. here we come. Julie,Robyn and Drew (two munchkins and their minder..) we go and lo and behold.....the safety instuctions on Air New Zealand has them squeeling in their seats with laughter. How embarrassing. Richard Simmons and a host of celebrities giving you the saftery instructions on the plane ..Richard now 65!!!!
And yet another first for them..Ritchie McCaw features on the safety show and like WOW....he is sitting on the plane. The munchkins try to hatch a plan to meet him.
As the minder is in the aisle seat....not much chance of that embarrassment!!! I did have a try to catch that photograph of the girls trying to position themselves close to the baggage claim with Richie.....but alas - he went straight through. The adventure begins................

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