Our Comings and Goings

By alidadas


This is quite rare getting a photo of my 2 boys together. Adam (my golden lab) really doesn't like other dogs and we pretty much have a constant growl from him now if Buddy is near him. I think he's having an acceptance morning though as when I sat Buddy next to him to try and take a photo although he didn't look to impressed he didn't growl at him.

And to not growl when a hoof is involved is an even bigger thing. Buddy only has to look at Adam with a hoof and he's growling (though i do understand this because despite the fact we've got about 6 hooves around the place Buddy always decides he wants the one Adam has). So just as I was about to put my camera away Adam settled down with his hoof and Buddy led next to him (Buddy adores Adam), there was a little growl when Buddy sniffed at his hoof but I got Buddy his own and they both led there for a little while happily with their own hooves!!

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