Rose-Tinted Spectacles

By WildWildWesti

Bree-Ellyn Poppy

Thankfully my throat is on the mend, bad case of acute tonsilitis, hope that doesn't come back anytime soon!
After a couple of days of rain on and off, we managed to get out for a walk to the supermarket this afternoon....and then more rain clouds came a wandering in. They've been all mean and nasty looking with nothing actually eventuating. They all seem to kind of lose their way and meander off to the side or sweep by without much ado, which has been kinda good, but there's that chill in the air...the one that lets you know they got snow in them, eeek. Better clear up before tuesday, I have a horde of six year old girls coming around for a birthday sleepover! That will be for Miss Bree, pictured above, she has the most incredible natural lashes, she was born with them, my son has them too but wasn't born with them, his appeared slowly over his first year, and got longer and more intense the older he got. One day I might be brave enough to do a side by side comparison of my pitiful, beautician altered ones and my smee with her natural beauty. She's six soon, I can't wait to see what she'll be like as an adult!......but at the same time I don't want her to grow up!

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