Another Excuse

It's amazing what the young blades around the university area think to daub on dun coloured walls.
I can't tell if this was written by a cynical passion starved lad or a lady who had used up her quota of headaches.
Whatever, it must have taken a little time as the panda has been painted on. Perhaps it was a lovelorn young art student with an unaccommodating girl friend.

Today felt more like a day at Easter than a January morning. The sun shone low out of a blue sky with only a pillow of white cloud towards the east, as I did a reconnoitre of the park. The breeze was light at this early hour, and the grass sparkled with the remains of last night's rain. In the distance, carried on the still air was the sound of early church bells.

There were some joggers and dog walkers out early , and all with a spring in their step.
Later his Lordship and I went out again and found a much busier and slightly windier scene. The number of joggers had multiplied and everywhere there were Daddys on bikes followed by small children wobbling on tiny two wheelers.

In my childhood we called these little bikes 'fairy cycles', but what amazes me is the age nowadays at which children master the art of balancing on them.
Perhaps the advent for very small children of those wooden pedalless 2 wheel toy bikes which they move along with their feet, has helped.

I think I was about 7 before I became the proud owner of a second hand fairy cycle, and I still remember with a certain amount of embarrassment almost knocking over a neighbour as I careered down the street out of control. Poor old lady; I think she had words with me, but I can't remember being able to stop while she spoke.

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