today I ...

By BarbiesWorld


my first propper introduction into the English MidEast!

After a short peek into a new culture last night I had an extended rollout today.

Highlights of the day:
Steep Hill, the old town, the external of Cathedral & Castle, overviews, lovely lanes and all that.
The Arbouretum and it's mean squirrels
Fish and Chips
Newtoft Reservoir
Shaun of the Dead
Local Beer

Speaking of last night: by hitting the British Island I expected a feeling of being abroad, of feeling stranger to places, people and language. After a short moment of calibrating my ear and a second of 'how the hell do people greet each other in this country?' when Gaz took me from the station I was into I think.
The first peek into England contained old masonry, pubs, delightful company and food which was all irritatingly not too different at all to the region where I come from. Comparing the places, cultures and stereotypes remained a sport or better a running gag through the following weeks, discovering for an impressible number of times that there aren't indeed not so many as thought before. No, most of the Germans don't wear Lederhosen all the time, you don't have to grow a propper tash when you hit the 30 in Germany and as German you don't have to bring your own food when you travel in England.

Despite of all these cultural convergences, at lest I had my propper 'yay, I'm abroad' moment after a minute when I arrived. Waiting at 'my side' of the car and wondering why on earth he doesn't open that bloody car for going home!? Doh!

As I backblip I can anticipate here: I took over 2000 pictures at all. Far too little naturally.
I'm filling my blipfolio by the time now with some of them (as if you're interested to look at a part of nowhere of the UK) as I'm really torn apart having to chose one for the day...

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