A Rose By Any Other Name

By arosebyanyother

'playing scrabble'

We've had a lovely Sunday dinner. Beef, pork & all the trimmings!

The boys made me watch Lego Star Wars & we're now watching Johnny English 2. It's quite funny, the boys were expecting it to be a 'Mr Bean' movie!! Bless!

Dan & I are now enjoying a rose & lemonade! (we don't really drink & will probably be drunk after 2 glasses! We have better things to spend/save our money on/for!!)

Lennon wanted to play scrabble, he came to show us that he'd "made Daddies favourite film!" (see above!)

Can't believe it's Monday again tomorrow! This year is flying by already!!

Back to schools & work tomorrow!

Why do weekends go so quick??? x

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