Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly


I brought this camera as I wanted something that I could just slip into my pocket - something a little bit well 'less' than my bridge camera - but not less in terms of quality.

But it is awful - it does take a good shot (in day light using landscape mode, once in a blue moon when the tide it right and the rabbits are singing) and the panoramic feature is interesting.

I have tried to use the 'intellient' auto setting and all it decided to do is put it in night mode and produces grainy blur, I have tried ambient light mode same problem. Then there are forced flash modes - dont get me started on the flash grrrrrrrr. Even the iPhone and HTC take better, more consistent pictures.

Anyway I was trying to get a cute pic of Ferd yawning and this was the only camera with battery in *sigh*

By the time I had stomped off to go get batteries for the 'big' camera the moment had past.

I wish I had never brought the damn thing, its c**p and frustrates the hell out of me (which is surprising as its a Fujifilm as I have always got on well with them) - wonder if I can sell it maybe someone else will have more luck with it!? Maybe its too intelligent for me!!!!

I still dream that one day I will have a DSLR but if I cant get a compact to work what hope is there for me :(

Anyway Ferd lovers - he is appearing on my blog today go on have a look Ferd

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