today I ...

By BarbiesWorld


saw the sea!

I love the sea. In the UK the farest point fromt he sea is 70something miles? I should consider moving there...

We had a brilliant and luvly trip to some pearls of the Mid-Eastland's seaside.
First to Skegness or tho say it with Nick Hornby 'the Northern answer to a question no-one had asked' to enjoy a great photo-walk at the beach, followed by a dive in the traditional seaside culture, shopping pleasures (damn, they don't sell shoes to stranger??) and an exquisite meal (not everyone could have that...).
I wish I had known about the rules of surviving Skegness before going there... At least, nothing worse happened.

For getting over the overflow of impressions in Skegness we had another great photowalk and a lie in in the sandstorm in Anderby Creek.

Did I mention that Lincolnshire is luvly?

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