The second half of life..

By twigs

Launderette or laundrette????

How many times is it OK to change your mind about something? What shall I have for tea tonight? How do you spell launderette? What am I going to blip today?

After another indecisive day, all these questions led me to Tahuna with my camera this evening, photographing this young boy who happily posed for me outside the launderette. He passed me by on his bike then stopped and asked what I was doing.......

"Um - phototgraphing the launderette"

"Oh. Why?"

A very good question! I told him about a website I post a picture to each day and he was really interested. He was also fascinted by the digital camera, the remote I used and the no-flash picture so I invited him to be a part of the picture if he wanted. He did! :)

We chatted a little more then he hopped on his bike and made to head off. He lived about 3 or 4 kms away, he had no lights on his bike, he was about 10 years old, it was 8.00pm on a cold dark winter's night.......

He assured me he only rode on the footpaths (although he had to cross 2 main roads later on.) I was left with a feeling of concerned anger .

On some things I have very firm opinions - young kids being left to their own devices like this is one thing that I find unbelieveably irresponsible.

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