Through pruned vines again

....but this time with the village in the background. You can see here how dry and stony the ground is in many of the vineyards in this region. This morning I drove across the area where the big fire was last September and it was good to see that plants are starting to grow again, although some of the trees will probably never recover. People here say that the best place to find wild asparagus (asparagus acutifolius) in spring is where there was a fire last year. Sure enough, there are asparagus plants growing all around the blackened trunks of the trees and I'll be back there soon, hoping to find edible spears.

I took several shots of the village, trying to practise landscape photography which I don't feel very confident about, because I'll be taking some photos soon for a talk on the geology of the area to be given by a geologist.

I think this cropped shot looks better in LARGE

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