
Was fed up tied to the desk with paper work so managed to escape for an hour as I had to go to the butchers as I am going to make lentil soup as the old chap next door likes his lentil soup. The weather while varieying between wet and dry was just nice enough to let me nip along to the Crinan canal and grab this shot. Ok I played around a bit with it (ignorance is bliss with Coral Paintshop) I will have to seek someone out who will give me a few basic lessons on how to work with this.
Its at times like this I wish I was retired so I could just plooter about! Come the Revolution and I will be in our own wee but and ben sitting beside the fire knitting! NOT! more like chasing pigs or sheep around the croft!

This evening I have to go to Oban to help a choir there with their Gaelic for their songs (God help them) but just incase there were no blip opportunities this one will have to do

Nice to see my dutch sea captain is back at work albiet desk bound, was quite worried for him a while back but he seems to be on the mend.

Have a good blip evening all

Maybe best biggiefied!

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