
By Mememe

Pencil Peelings

Spent the morning at Chippenham Mind Group, most of it in with Lucy, Art Therapist and a couple of other members of the group. It suprises me at what can be seen by qualified people in the drawings.

I had spoken to Lucy last week about doing a train journey and she was really pleased that I had been able to get to London last week. Today I talked about trying to cross the bridge that goes over the rail line in Chippenham.

I have done it in the past BUT IT TERRIFIES ME!, and it has been a long time since I crossed the bridge with anybody. It all stems back to the beginning of my mental illness when I had visions of myself under trains, I would wake in the night absolutely petrified.

Some of my pictures today were of rail lines and one of the bridge that scares me. This is just the pencil peelings

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