Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

The late bird..........

This morning was partly spent at the GP surgery and then the x-ray department to check whether Mum has been nursing a fracture in her injured foot. Thankfully the x-ray was fine, so it's just going to be a question of time for healing.

Most of the rest of the day has been spent "breaking eggs with sticks" as one of my grandmothers use to say. The Walking Festival work is at its most intense at the moment for me. The printed proof had to be checked. The new online booking system had to be learned. A request for photos from one magazine and request for copy from a newspaper had to be responded to.

It was much too late when I took the hide into the garden and provided a few meal worms for the birds. Thankfully one great tit found the worms and came to feed. I think he was bemused by food appearing as the sun set and the temperature dropped.

Perhaps I'll manage an earlier blip tomorrow!

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