A Rose for Ronnie jnr!

Our dearly beloved Ronnie got his Cambridge AS Results today!!

Congratulations my darling grandson! He passed and has a distinction for Afrikaans (91%)!! Woohoo!! Well done R jnr! The next step is A-level College, and we know you will be successful in whatever you set your mind to! LuvULotsLikeJellyTots!!!

I was gloriously busy this afternoon, had quite a few errands to run in town and wanted to surprise C with supper ready when she came home from Primary School Teacher's meeting quite late this afternoon, 'cause I knew she was wasted! She insisted on going in to school this morning and I saw her suffering the whole day, and to top it all, they could not come home after school, it was staff meetings the whole afternoon.

Relaxing with Blip now and an early night is on the charts!! ;-)

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