It is 6:55am let's have a party

It was a difficult night. We are blessed, he said frantically touching wood, with children who sleep, relatively well. Well then there is child #2 who had some bad dream about not being able to wake up or something and then was unable to get back to sleep and generously decided to keep myself and Madame posted on said inability to sleep, roughly every 20 mins or so, from 2am onwards.

So it was to a party filled office I arrived at about 8 minutes to 7. Alas there was no champagne to be had, so I just stood and chatted to myself in the kitchen area.

So once again, looking forward to some sleep and one of these days, oh yes one of these days, I shall try to grace some people with some nice comments, my phone for some reason refused to accept my comments. In fact my batting average on successfully posted comments on the phone is about 50%, hmm not great.

Lovely evening listening to two girls reciting poetry.

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