Father and Daughter

A wee frost this morning as I walked round the dark lonely streets, cars less than normal but still shivering kids in shorts heading to the local charity at 7.20.

Work was a truimph of testing.

Ran over Arthur seat at lunchtime, it was brilliant and so good to be out on a cracking day, met a blip cyclists on my way down, a lovely chap.

After work I headed to the Filmhouse to see Hana's Suitcase. A moving film about amazing chance and determined people.

At the end Hana's brother Georg, his daughter , the Japanese teacher and the director talked about the film and their experiences. History is so much stronger when it is told first hand with the emotion and the total modesty. Georg survived Terebric and then was liberated from Auschwitz were his sister had been gassed.

He managed to get to Canada to live a new life and like lots from his generation told noone abiout his experiences, until his daughter from his secodn wife was in her teens and a letter from a Japanese lady about his sister started a journey that has changed his life.

When his mother and father were arrested by the nazis they did not clear the house for a week so in that time Georg took all the family papers and more importantly the family photographs. So unlike many he has photographs of his family and they are treasured and we know what Hana looked like.

Crap photo of his daughter and Georg, I just loved hearing them all talk.

I could not get the website in Uk but CBC have more info.

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