Not David Bailey

By emma

Princess Hoover

Another lovely day off.

Started with early morning breakfast for Toby and I sitting outside Saltwell Park cafe (this is becoming quite a routine for us on my days off) - shared a big bacon sandwich. Then a spot of shopping in town in preparation for Saturdays ladies' day at the races.

Got back and then it was back to the park for us, where we met Emma, Les and canine friends for a bottle of wine in the sun and a gossip.

Another one for the road at Emma's which involved making plans for Emma's forthcoming birthday celebrations, which are, an evening river boat on the tyne in 70's or 80's attire with bar/disco, then a trip to Amsterdam!

The ideas flowed as to what we could all wear, and so did the wigs. Here's poor Hoover modelling the "Agnetha from Abba" number. It looks as though I may just end up wearing that one, although I must say I'm rather tempted by the afro.

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